Sudan research


1816-18 - Cotton factories in the Khurunfish quarter of Cairo Egypt. 1,000 to 2,000 of the so called 'workers' were slaves from Sudan, run by the army. Exploited. Also orphans were found in factories. Cotton spinning and weaving in Egypt. (Empire of cotton Sven Bechard (c)2014 US).

1821-1834 – Khartoum Sudan was a military outpost in 1821. By 1834 it was the capital of Sudan. Ransacked by the Mahdi then by Lord Kitchner. (Eye spy. Justin Scroggie (c)2008 UK).

1880s – Auguste Mariette was an archeologist from France. He was  in Egypt and Gebal Barkal in Sudan. (The story of archeology. Justin Pollard (c)2007 UK).

1882 - National archives kept records. Corporal Michael Martin Royal navy in Sudan at the battle of Suakin after 1882. (Family history monthly. March 2004).

19th century – Protective armour and bedding of quilted cotton was made in Sudan during the 19th century, Ceremonial uses. (Quilting patchwork applique. Caroline Crabtree (c)2007 UK).

Late 19th century – Applique garments of the Sudan army of the Mahdi, warfare applique scraps of cloth. Poverty and humble Sufi Islam. Army garments with used cloth patches. (Quilting patchwork applique. Caroline Crabtree (c)2007 UK).

1924 – The British colonial rulers of Sudan. That same year they made laws to abolish slavery in Sudan. (A crime so monstrous. E Benjamin Skinner ©2008 UK).

1972 – Khashoggi helped arrange a revolving loan of $200 million. It was to be raised by 31 banks and guaranteed by the Saudi central bank. It was for a giant project that originally included sugar, cattle, textiles, minerals and cement. (Arms bazaar ©1977 Sampson).

2 March 1973 – In Sudan the US ambassador, Cleo A Noel jr and diplomat George C Moore were taken hostage and killed. The Fatah organisation were suspected.

2 March 1973 – US ambassador to Sudan was assassinated. Cleo A Noel and other diplomats were killed, at the Saudi Arabian embassy in Khartoum by members of Black September.

3 Nov 1973 – Six weeks after the US ambassador to Sudan was shot dead in Khartoum by Black September gunmen. There was a meeting between CIA Vernon Walters and PLO Yasser Arafat. Ali Hassan Salameh was the Black September leader who arranged the murder. (Gideons spies. Gordon Thomas (c)2008 UK).

1 March 1974 – The Saudi Arabian embassy in Khartoum was seized by Black September terrorists. Diplomats were taken hostage. The terrorists murdered two Americans and one Belgiun diplomat.

1975 – Carlos the Jackal aka Ilich Ramirez Sanchez lived in Khartoum Sudan at the Meridien hotel, he impersonated a French arms dealer. A Socialist member of the PFLP. Carlos kidnapped 11 member of the OPEC oil producing cartel in Vienna Austria. He then flew to Algeria for ransoms. (The looming tower. Lawrence Wright ©2006 US).

1976-82 – As part of Cuba’s alliance with Mengistu Haile Mariam’s regime in Ethiopia, Cuba engaged in political and military support for the Liberation movement of southern Sudan. It was headed by John Garang, against the Arab Muslim regime in Khartoum.

1978 – In Sudan another BCCI branch was due to open. This was unusual because every other bank in Sudan was nationalised.

1980 – A payoff to an African central banker Swaleh Naqvi asked Akbar Bilgrami to take senior official from Sudan’s central bank on a shopping trip at Harrods in London. BCCI paid more than $100,000. In return the official put millions of dollars of Sudan’s foreign exchange reserves into BCCI.

1988 – Famine that killed 250,000 people. (A crime so monstrous. E Benjamin Skinner ©2008 UK).

1989 – The leader of Sudan sent a delegation to Peshawar Pakistan. Al-Qaeda  Sudan relations.

Late 1989 to late 1991 – Bin Laden relocated al-Qaeda infrastructure to Sudan. Most of al-Qaeda’s fighters moved to Sudan. (Inside al-Qaeda. ©2002 R Gunaratna).

1990s – Human trafficking, quarter of a million Sudanese have been kidnapped and sold into international sex slavery. (The secret history of the American empire. John Perkins. ©2007 US).

1991 – Sudan Islamic banking for the Sudan.

1991-96 – In 1991 bin Laden left Saudi Arabia and moved to Sudan where he remained until 1996.

April 1991 – Saudi Arabia expels bin Laden so he takes up residence in Sudan.

Late 1991 – In Sudan members of Egyptian Islamic Jihad were being trained in the use of explosives. Sudan’s intelligence worked closely with al-Qaeda. (Inside al-Qaeda ©2002 R Gunaratna).

1992 – Nizam al-Zakah fi al-Sudan Omdurman Islamic university printing and publishing p192 Sudan. Muhammad Bashir Abdulqadir.

1992 – Bin Laden moved to Sudan Khartoum in 1992, flying from Afghanistan, with 4 wives and 17 children. There were 4 million horses in Sudan, the horses were used for transport and farm work. (The looming tower. Lawrence Wright ©2006 US).

1993 – Sudan is placed on the State departments list of countries that sponsor terrorist activities. Bin Laden’s followers try to get components of nuclear weapons and begin to work with Sudan’s NIP to develop chemical arms.

1993 – The 1993 census in Sudan was cancelled due to civil war in the south. (Economic gangsters. Raymond Fisman. Edward Miguel (c)2008 US).

1993 – The Third World relief agency TWRA a Sudan based fake humanitarian organisation. It was used as a go between for the suppliers and fighters in Bosnia. TWRA had links with Islamists like Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman, the blind sheikh, involved in the 1993 WTC bombing and bin Laden.

1993 – Cofer Black transferred from London to Khartoum Sudan. He arrived as the CIA station chief. Sudan’s government sponsored terrorism and the US had imposed economic sanctions. A Muslim Brotherhood inspired political party, called the National Islamic Front, led by Hasan al-Turabi had taken power. Turabi proclaimed Solidarity with terrorists both Socialist and Islamic. Hamas, Hezbollah, Egypt’s Islamic group, Algeria’s Islamic Salvation Front, Carlos the Jackal and Osama bin Laden. (Ghost wars ©2004 Steve Coll).

May 1993 – Pakistan crackdown on Arab radicals in spring. So bin Laden sent money to fly 480 of these Jihadists to Khartoum. They became part of bin Laden’s businesses. Money went to Egyptian Islamists for printing presses and weapons.

27 April 1993 – Declaration of Jihad against African Sudanese. Fatma issued from Kordofan El Obeid. Quraishi M Tariq.

1994 – Four Arab veterans of the Afghan war tried to kill bin Laden during 1994. The assassins opened fire inside a Khartoum mosque where bin laden preached. They shot several worshippers dead before they realised that bin laden was not there. (Ghost wars ©2004 Steve Coll).

January 1994 – By this time bin Laden was financing at least three terrorist training camps in north Sudan, where rebels from at least six nations received training.

14 Aug 1994 - Khartoum Sudan. Carlos the Jackal, seized. US French op, jail in France. (Trading secrets. Mark Huband 2013).

Late 1994 – bin Laden was working closely with the Sudanese intelligence services, Sudanese intelligence were running paramilitary and terrorist operations in Egypt and elsewhere. Bin Laden had access to Sudanese military radios, weapons, and about 200 Sudanese passports. These passports added to the false documents bin Laden had acquired for his aides, and for the travel papers of Arab volunteers who were killed in the Afghan Jihad. Three training camps in northern Sudan, a multinational private army. (Ghost wars ©2004 Steve Coll).

1995 – Using Iranian funds, al-Turabi of Sudan helped Palestinian Islamic Jihad return to Israel where it carried out terror operations. Hamas, Algerian Islamic Salvation Army fighters, Iranian revolutionary guards, and al-Gama’at al-Islamiyya also relied on the government of Sudan. By 1995 half of the 3,000 Iranian revolutionary guards sent to Khartoum Sudan had came from Lebanon, of these more than 1,000 were Lebanese Hezbollah. (American Jihad ©2002 S Emerson).

1995 – Mugniyeh was flying back to Beirut from Sudan after a meeting with bin Laden. The US arranged for his Middle East airways plane to make a unscheduled stop in Saudi Arabia. But Saudi authorities refused to make him leave the plane.

1995 – An FBI source was Jamal al-Fadl a Sudanese militant who fled bin Laden’s circle after stealing a large sum of money from him in 1995. He was recruited by the Americans in 1996. (al-Qaeda ©2003 J Burke).

17 August 1996 – Sudanese rebel kidnapping Sudan’s peoples liberation army SPLA rebels kidnapped six missionaries in Mapourdit including a US citizen, an Italian, three Australians and a Sudanese. The SPLA released the hostages 11 days later.

Late 1990’s – al-Qaeda got uranium in Khartoum, and hired Egyptian and Pakistani physicists to research the development of unconventional weapons.

Nov 1996 – Sudan’s Jamal al Fadl worked for Osama Bin Laden in Khartoum. He had lived in Brooklyn New York. He was captured by the US. al Qaeda training camps and sleeper cells, nuclear and chemical weapons. 93 known members of al Qaeda then. (The looming tower. Lawrence Wright ©2006 US).

1 November 1996 – Red Cross worker kidnappings in Sudan. A breakaway group from the Sudanese people liberation army SPLA kidnapped three international committee of the Red Cross ICRC workers. Including a US citizen, an Australian and a Kenyan. On 9 December the rebels released the hostages in exchange for ICRC supplies and a health survey for their camp.

1998 – Famine caused by war and drought. 70,000 people died. Wikipedia.

20 August 1998 – US unleashes cruise missile strikes against suspected terrorist installations in Sudan. In retaliation for the US embassy attacks in Africa.

20 August 1998 – Al Shifa, a pharmaceutical plant in Khartoum, was tied to the production of chemical weapons for bin Laden. Cruise missile attack in retaliation against bin Laden.

5-8 May 1998 – Contemporary government application of zakat in Sudan. Seminar on contemporary applications of Islamic economics. Casablanca Morocco. Abd al-Muem al-Gusi.

11 Dec 1998 – Millions of people are dead in Sudan's civil war. BBC UK.

17 Oct 1999 - Yahia Babiker. Dept sec gen, Sudans external security bureau Khartoum.

2001 – In Sudan, nearly 2 million people died as a result of the world's longest running civil war. US committee for refugees.

September 2001 – Mohamed Atta, who piloted a jet into the WTC, wired money to bin Laden’s former paymaster in Sudan. Shaykh Said al-Masri (aka Mustafa Muhammad Ahmad) on the eve of 9/11. (Alms for Jihad ©2006 Burr and Collins).

30 September 2001 – Resentful West spurned Sudan’s key terror files. David Rose. The Observer.

2003 – Human rights watch. Sudan, oil and human rights.

2003 – Obligatory almsgiving, an inquiry into zakat in the pre colonial bilael al-Sudan. Helsinki oriental society p26. Holger Weiss.

January 2003 – Ibn Baz federation al Afandi establishment African company Sudan al Amoudi group. Ibrahim Muhammad Afandi (Alms for Jihad ©2006 Burr and Collins).

10 April 2004 – Sudan's shadowy Arab militia. BBC UK.

29 May 2004 – Benjamin Joffe Walt. Arab militia use rape camps for ethnic cleansing. in Sudan. Daily Telegraph UK.

2006 – Samuel Tottan. Eric Markusen. Genocide in Darfur. Investigating the atrocity in Sudan. New York. Routledge.

2006-2010 - Shell companies 2006. Amnesty int, Genocide in Darfur. Sanctions, Sudan's leader Omar al-Bashir. Int criminal court for genocide in 2010. (Global shell games. 2014).

15 November 2006 – 32 people were killed and 18 wounded in Darfur. Militia attack rebels Sudan.

2007 – In the ancient world the cotton plant was cultivated in Sudan. Called Carbarus. The Arabic word cotton is more modern. (Quilting patchwork applique. Caroline Crabtree (c)2007 UK).

16 February 2007 – US appeals court upholds terrorist designation for Islamic charity. A Federal appeals court upheld the US government decision to freeze the assets of an Islamic charity, with alleged links to a Sudanese group that supports terrorism. The Treasury department claims that Islamic American relief agency USA is an affiliate of the Islamic African relief agency. A Sudan based charity that US government says finances al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups. The US court of appeals for the district of Colombia agreed with a lower courts 2005 decision, saying the charity was a branch of the Sudanese based agency. (Int Herald Tribune, Site institute 15 Feb 2007).

March 2008 – Human rights first. Investing in tragedy. China's money, arms and politics in Sudan.

8 March 2008 – Sudan and Iran sign a military cooperation agreement. Sudan Tribune.

23 April 2008 - In exchange for Sudanese oil. Maggie Farley. UN puts Darfur death toll at 300,000. LA Times .

2009 – Mass murder and expulsion of Darfur ians by Sudan's Islamic government. (Worse than war. David Jonah Goldhagen (c)2009 US).

7 Jan 2010 – Aid groups warn of Sudan civil war risk. BBC UK.

29 June 2010 – Bureau of African affairs. Sudan. US state dept.

13 July 2010 – Sudan's president Bashir faces fresh genocide charges. AFP. France 24.

9 Oct 2010 – Slavery. Africa news service. $10 and $100, more than 10,000 people are in slavery in Sudan today, most have been abducted.

7 November 2012 – Iranian warships dock in port Sudan. Iran Daily Brief.

Dec 2013 – The British red cross ICRC, since Dec 2013, have distributed more than  12 million food rations to more than 43,000 people in south Sudan. (17 Oct 2015 Twitter.)

24 Dec 2013 – Fighting in south Sudan as the UN finds mass graves. All things considered. Washington DC.

21 Feb 2014 – Sudan rape victim found guilty of indecent act. Sudan Tribune.

24 Feb 2014 – Mass graves of Bor in south Sudan. Dug by the UN at the St Andrews Episcopal church. Street children who were in the market. Irin news.

8 July 2014 – Dozens of children are buried in south Sudan in mass graves. The truth Uganda. The war, 200 bodies mass graves.

6 Oct 2014 – Biggest ever UN humanitarian operation ever. Food, starvation. South Sudan food crisis, children AFP. The Guardian UK.

18 Oct 2014 – Sudan calls for support to combat human trafficking. Trans national crime. Sudan Tribune Khartoum.

20 Oct 2014 – South Sudan, sex violence is rampant, a two year old girl was raped. UN. Rape and other forms of sex violence in south Sudan. A two year old victim. Reuters.

22 Oct 2014 – Human trafficking is on the rise in east Sudan. MP on Radio Dabanga. Organised networks or rings. Mohamed El Taher Oushan, member of parliament for the Kassda state.

2 Nov 2014 – Arrests Communist party Blue Nile. Radio Dabanga. Ed Damazin Sudan’s Communist party in Blue Nile state.

4 Nov 2014 – Communist party in Blue Nile. Radio Tamazuj. Lawyers of the Communist party members arrested. Sudan’s Communist party members were detained in the Blue Nile. Radio Debanga.

5 Nov 2014 – Sudan bans observers from the scene of mass rapes. Sudan troops ban UN and African union peacekeepers from a town in western Darfur, to investigate reports of mass rapes of at least 200 women and girls. The Guardian UK.

21 June 2015 – South Sudan oposition leader doubts government anti corruption crusade. WAU. Leader of south Sudan peoples liberation party, PLP, Peter Mayen Majongdit. Anti graft corruption related. Sudan Times.

7 July 2015 - Motherbear. Govt in Sudan buying Hacking team, spy tech. US FBI and Sudan government.

19 Sept 2015 – Death toll rises to 183 in south Sudan from a tanker explosion. Maridi south Sudan. Severe burns of patients. Fox news. NZ Herald. AP.

14 Oct 2015 – The Sudan government is accused by the UN and UK of witholding rations from Darfur peacekeepers. Food and other basic needs rations, at a Dafur port. UNAMID. 190 food rations containers at port Sudan. Mass rapes by troops in Darfur. Channel news Asia.

19 Oct 2015 – India has been told not to welcome al-Bashir. The Int criminal court ICC is seeking his arrest. Omar al-Bashir, war crimes against humanity. Genocide in Darfur. Al-Bashr has two ICC arrest warrants issued in 2009 and 2010. Hundreds of thousands of civilians were made homeless in refugee camps in Chad. Human rights watch.

23 Oct 2015 – The UN says there are 300,000 war victims in South Sudan who face starvation and death. The UN is demanding access. Twitter. Examiner. William Lambar.

29 Oct 2015 – Cannibalism and blood drinking. south Sudan conflict report. Photo. Press TV. Twitter.

4 Nov 2015 – Plane crashes near the int airport in south Sudan capital. AP.

4 Nov 2015 – 41 people were killed in the south Sudan plane crash. The Russian built cargo aircraft. Times of India. Telegraph UK. AFP. Arab news. IGAD.

10 Nov 2015 – 400 more troops from Sudan are in Yemen. AFP. Yahoo news.

11 Dec 2015 – Thousands of people in south Sudan suffer starvation, malnutrition. Two years of war, food shortages and hunger. Aid to south Sudan and corruption, ICRC. VOA. 9 Oct 2015. Lisa Schlein.

17 Dec 2015 – IRIN news. Karin Zeitvogel. The war in Sudan is in its third year. Sudan is an oil rich country, corruption.

23 Dec 2015 – South Sudan people near starvation. Food rations 30,000 people turned. up for a ration card from the Red Cross. The Guardian UK. Simona Foltyn.

11 Jan 2016 – Italy and Russia archeology in Sudan. Antiquities at Abu Erteila north of Khartoum. Excavations Nov to Dec 2015. Ruins of a temple.

27 Jan 2016 – Israel supplies South Sudan government with wiretapping equipment. UN report says. Haaretz.

8 Feb 2016 – 40,000 people face starvation in south Sudan. UN.

13 Feb 2016 -

4 April 2016 - From Sudan pres cited as ... Dabanga.

3 June 2016 – Bahar Kamal. Human Wrongs Watch. Sudan, five years on. Refugees are still fleeing conflict. Sudan's south Kordofan state. UNHCR.

10 July 2016 – South Sudan gunfire erupts Juba. Al-Jazeera. Gun battle army barracks a UN base. Intense fighting over 100 people.

20 July 2016 – 11 people are dead in a suspected South Sudan cholera outbreak. UNICEF. NZ Herald. Juba. AP. 72 suspected cases so far.

29 July 2016 – G+. Globe and Mail. A Canadian company sold arms to south Sudan. Global arms were made in a UAE factory.

16 Aug 2016 – Twitter. The Guardian UK. UN peacekeepers in south Sudan ignore rape and assaults of aid workers.

16 Aug 2016 – Twitter. Nicholas Kristof. South Sudan troops raid, rape and torture aid workers. Murder journalist. UN troops sat on hands. ABC.

19 Aug 2016 – Twitter. Anonymous. Sputnik. Over 650 kids child soldiers in south Sudan in 2016. Child abuse UN.

Feb 2017 - Famine declared in south Sudan.

23 Dec 2018 - DW Germany. Sudan protests, ouster of Pres Omar Bashir.

10 April 2019 - BBC UK. Radio NZ. 4.20am. In Sudan thousands of protesters,  army base, tear gas and live ammunition. Africa live on BBC. Protesters accuse the military of armed attacks 3am militia Khartoum army HQ. Live ammunition deaths, armed confrontation, militia and he army. Rebellion protesters 4.30am, people being shot by security forces, facebook involved.

27 April 2019 - New York Times. Amid US silence fighting , Sudan revolution.

4 May 2019 - Hundreds of thousands of people protest in Sudan calling for civilian rule. Democracy now.

3 June 2019 - CNN. Protests, two people killed. Julia Holingsworth. Gianluca Mezzofore.

11 June 2019 - Federal news network. Amnesty int says war crimes coninue in Sudans, Darfur. Kharoum . Bassam Hatoum and Samy Magdy.


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