Singapore research


6 Feb 1819 – Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles found Freeport harbour in Singapore. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history. 6 Feb 2015).

1830-1945 – E Nathan. The history of the Jews in Singapore 1986.

1845 - Information trade. Global, Frederic C Dollfus, from a cotton manufacturing family in Mulhouse, arrived in port of Singapore, cotton trade there, study in Singapore. Dollfus also went to Hong kong, China and the Philippines. Asian cotton markets. Information, cloth samples and access to info. (Empire of cotton. Sven Bechand (c)2014 US).

April 1867 – Singapore, Panang and Malacca became British crown colonies. (Today in history. Chch Star NZ. 1 April 2015).

1919-2016 - Offshore bank accounts in Singapore. Intertrust corp largest in Singapore, Malaysia. $125 billion in bank assets. The Bank was set up in 1912. 480 branches in 15 countries. Singapore no tax. Capital bank account. Offshore center bank secrecy. 300 billion in foreign investments. Increase to 600 billion in next 5 years.

1923-48 - 10c purple green. 1949 silver wedding 10c violet. Stamps in my collection.

9 April 1939 – Chinese Jack Choo was born in Singapore. A member of the Mr Asia drug syndicate, importing heroin and buddha sticks into Australia and New Zealand from Thailand. Japanese occupation of Singapore during the Second World War. Burma and Thailand, supplying heroin. He was related by marriage to Khun Sa, the opium war lord who controlled most of the heroin in the Golden Triangle, between Thailand and Burma. For 40 years. Heroin on credit. Most of the heroin Clark got was on credit. (Mr Asia. Jim Diamond Shepherd ©2010 Australia).

1940-41 - The purple cypher marine navy base Singapore. Delivered by ship at Japan . Mayaya. Crypanalyical ... went missing. US Willliam Friedman US army cryptologist SIGINT 1940. US navy code breaker Laurence Safford. The Sinkov mission. US tech ... sent to UK in 1941. Blechley park intercept stations told on Japan. (GCHQ. RJ Aldrich. 2010).

Jan 1941-May 1941 – The British SOE branch in the far east was named Oriental mission OM. AE Jones was sent to Singapore in Jan 1941 to set up HQ and a regional organisation, responsible for northern China. Japan occupied Shanghai, Japanese invasion of China in 1937. Japanese across Suzhou in Hong Kong. In May 1941 a head of OM was appointed, Valentine Killery, office of Singapore. (Japans Gestapo Mark Felton ©2009 UK).

10 Dec 1941 - The HMS prince of Wales and HMS Repulse sunk. (Captivity, slavery, as a far east POW. Peter Fyans. 2011).

15 Dec 1941 - The HMS 016 a Dutch submarine. Maritime heritage. WW2 o-class sub. Launched in 1936 for science. Prince Bernhard, husband of the Dutch Queen, in 1938 part of Dutch east Indian navy. British navy in the Singapore war with Japan on 7 Dec 1941. Malaysia to attack Japanese. 15 Dec 1941 Singapore hit a mine and broke in two. 41 crew, only one man survived, Cornelis de Wolf. Mine hit off Palau Tioman , war graves wreck.

No date – The British sent one of the American copies of the “purple” machine to the British naval station in Singapore, soon before it fell to the Japanese. It was sent by ship, it disappeared and its fate is unknown to this day. (GCHQ (c)2010 UK Richard J Aldrich).

1942 – 26 Sept 1942 seven months after the British surrendered Singapore to the Japanese. The Japanese Kempeitai special investigation branch in Singapore was run by  Lieutenant Colonel Haruzo Sumida. POWs at Changi jail under command of Kempeitai in Singapore was Lieutenant Colonel Oishi. There were 200 Kempeitai in Singapore. The main Kempeitai prison was Outram road jail. (Japans Gestapo. Mark Felton ©2009 UK).

29 Jan 1942-1945 - Victorian. Fergus Anckorn army regiments. Singapore WW2 prisoners of Japan, when Singapore fell. Changi prison camp. Burma/Myanmar death raiding. Survivors. Slavery, starvaton, force brutality, the battle for Singapore, survivors were near death. Fergus Anckorn public archives. (Captivity, slavery and survival as a far east POW. Peter Fyans. 2011).

Feb 1942 – Outside China, Unit 731, Raffles medical university in Singapore, Unit 9420 Kono unit, for research into malaria. Umeoka unit for plagues. Unit 9420 had a unit in Thailand during the war. Japan destroyed records and medical research before the Allied war crimes in Sept 1945. (Japans Gestapo. Mark Felton. ©2009 UK).

15 Feb 1942 – Other Indian troops were captured at the fall of Singapore on 15 Feb 1942 and moved to Borneo as slave labour alongside British and Australian prisoners. (Japans Gestapo. Mark Felton ©2009 UK)

15 Feb 1942 – War, severe rationing, food and clothing. Vice admrial Lord Louis Mountbatten, chief of cenrtal operations and Ultra. 15 Feb 1942 the fall of Singapore. 62,000 POWs fell to Japan as spies, starvation. (The secret life of Bletchley park. Sinclair McKay (c)2010 UK).

15 Feb 1942 - The fall of Singapore.

26 Sept 1942 – Seven months after the British surrendered Singapore to the Japanese. The Kempeitai special investigation branch in Singapore was headed by lieutenant colonel Haruzo Sumida. POWs in Changi jail. Overall command Kempeitai in Singapore was lieutenant colonel Vishi. There were about 200 Kempeitai in Singapore. Main jail was Outram road jail. (Japan’s Gestapo. Mark Felton. ©2009 UK).

1943 – Lieutenant Rod Wells a 23 year old Australian POW at Ram road jail in Singapore from a prison camp at Saidakan in north Borneo in 1943. (Japans Gestapo. Mark Felton ©2009 UK).

1943 - Giles Mayfair. Singapore goes off the air. NY Dutton.

1944 - POWs in Changi jail in Singapore. British, Dutch, American and Australian. Dossiers. Stalag Luft 1944 Break out, the great esacape. WW2, digital film. 1714 to 1945 POW records. Find my past. Captured by Ottoman's in WW2. (Who do you think you are mag. Oct 2015).

1945 - The railroad of death. The Burma/Myanmar Siam/Thailand railway. Left for dead. Singapore survivors in a ward in hospital, masscre by the Japanese, POW camps. (Captivity, slavery and survival as a far east POW. Peter Fyans. 2011).

1946 – Colonel Howard Ellis returned to M16 in London in 1944. In 1946 he was posted to M16, controller responsible for south east Asia and the Far east, based in Singapore. (Too secret too long. C Pincher. ©1984 US).

1947-48 – Intel reports from DSO Malaysia and Singapore. DIA Hamblen M15 Sir Marston Logan 20 July 1948 DSO Special conference HE Singapore 26 June 1947. (Empire of secrets. Calder Walton ©2013).

1948 - 1923-1948. 10c. UK Royal, Silver wedding. Violet.  A stamp in my collection.

1950-56 – From the early 1950s there were demands for Singapore self govt. British and defence for Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Hong Kong. 10,000 British troops were in Singapore. Aug 1956 British defence and Singapore. M15 role in the future. Singapore population was about 1.5 million, three quarters of them ethnic Chinese. (Empire of secrets. Calder Walton ©2013).

1955 - Violet and lake. 30cents. Singapore Malaya. 2 stamps in my collection. Chinese sampan. 1 cent black.

1956-59 – Sept Oct 1956 meeting. Gov of Singapore was Sir Robert Black. M15 in Singapore. 1959 govt Lee Kuan Yew as PM with British control of defence and foreign policy. (Empire of secrets. Calder Walton ©2013).

28 Aug 1956 – Security intel far east 24 May 1964. Singapore constitutional talks JB Johnson .Lee Kuan Yew. Lennox Boyd. (Empire of secrets. Calder Walton ©2013).

3 Dec 1956 – Intel and security Singapore constitutional talks. ND Watson 14 Aug 1956, 5 Dec 1956. (Empire of secrets. Calder Walton ©2013).

1960 – Tsuji Masanobu. Singapore the Japan. Ure Smith. Sydney Australia.

1962 - 2 stamps in my collection. 1 cent. Arachnis maggie orchid.

1965 - Ark Royal. Australian carrier plane guard, the destroyer HMAS Voyager, 82 crew died Singapore. HMS Cambrian Singapore. Indoinesia, Malaysia a hot war. Singapore cargoes exchanged, world trade. intel gathering ops submarines. 60 allied warships in Malaysia. Australian and New Zealand warships 26 March 1965. The Cambrian. (Cold war command. R Woodman. D Canley. 2014).

1955 - Singapore 30 cents. Malaya violet and lake. Singapore Malaya 1 cent Chinese stamp black.

May 1965 - Cambrian photo. Cambrian Singapore, far east fleet, Admiral Sir Frank Twiss. (Cold war command. R Woodman. D Conley. 2014).

1967 - Singapore, sword dance 5 cents, 25 cents and 10 cents. Stamps in my collection.

1968 – Santos Trafficante visited Singapore, Hong Kong and south Vietnam in 1968. The Florida mafia boss and American troops in south Vietnam. An underworld narcotics stronghold. (The mafia killed JFK. David E Schiem (c)1988 US).

1969-70 - Singapore UK submarines in 1970 at navy base, Sembawang ship yard company. Immigrants China Singapore riots in Malaya. 1969 hundreds of people dead, mainly Chinese. Late 1970 Vietnam war intense OBERON in Singapore. Malaysian district of Johor Bahru Singapore. No Soviet resistance. Finwhale and Orpheus exercises warships torpedoes. (Cold war command. R Woodman. D Conley. 2014).

July 1969 - HMS Oberon, unit of seventh submarine. Singapore UK South China sea. Diesel submarine Oberon. (Cold war command. R Woodman. D Conley. 2014).

Sept 1970 - UK Royal navy Polaris submarine tech. Nuclear tipped missiles, alcohol problems. Oberon anti submarine torpedoes. Two tipped alcohol storage. Oberon June 1970 Bridge watch keepers Diesel submarines. British hunter killers. Valiant submerge transit Singapore to the UK 1967. Years later the Kruger sank, heavy toll of life, collision with tanker Tafelberg. Oberon Singapore Sept, HMS Forth, ships Maidstone. (Cold war command. 2014. R Woodman. D Conley).

1971 - June 1971 on postmark. 50. Deepavli festivals. A stamp in my collection.

31 Oct 1971 - British Royal navy submarine Oberon. Exercises secret night landings of special forces in canoes. Nov 1970. In Sept 1971, the Oberon left Singapore on 31 Oct 1971 to far east, fleet sailed from Singapore, 90 year Sembluang. Barricade Austrlain army 5 per. Australia New Zealand, Singapore and Malaysia. (Cold war command. 2014. R Woodman. D Conley).

1974 - Photo 1974. Singapore airlines. 31 Oct 2016.

1975 – Since 1975 Martin Johnstone was setting himself up in Singapore where he lived and controlled his business. He had numerous companies in Singapore. Cross and Mercer in Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia. (Mr Asia. ©2010 J Shepherd Aust NZ).

1975-80 – Since 1975 Martin Johnstone was in Singapore with companies, Cross and Mercer, wife Bronwyn Davies. Oct 1976 the Marco Polo hotel 9 Oct 1979.Martin Johnstone got a half share in John Chedderton’s ex-Taiwanese fighting trawler the Konpira Maru. Timor international marine and oceanographic research called ‘Timor’ Dec 1980 Debts of $480,000, 26 Nov 1976. (Mr Asia. Jim Diamond Shepherd (c)2010 Australia).

1978 - 10c. Anniversary Neptune orient line. Neptune spinel. A stamp in my collection.

Aug 1978 – Chinese Jack Choo in Singapore, heroin dealer for Mr Asia. Police protection. He also owned a crockodile farm. Choo Cheng Kui. (Mr Asia. Jim Diamond Shepherd ©2010 Australia).

1980 - 12 Stamps in my collection. Caravel x3 50c. Galleon 35c x1. 15c Colekkan x2. 10c Fujian junk x4. $1 Coaster x1. $2 oil tanker x1.

1984 – Heroin trafficking. Ho Chin Hoon alias Vincent Ho, Chinese Triads. Heroin and Danny Chubb Australia. False passports from Indonesia. Sydney, heroin trafficking and couriers. (Smack express. Clive Small ©2010 Australia).

1986 – Singapore historical postcards from the national archives collection. Times ed. Worldcat database.

8 Oct 1986 - Singapre airlines added Christchurch New Zealand flights. 31 Oct 2016.

1987 - Very small coin in my collection. Singapore five cents.

2 April 1994 – Hubbard. Singapore shrugs of uproar over barbaric flogging. The Independent UK. (International human rights law. Oxford UK ©2014).

2003 – Chin Peng. My side of history. Singapore. Meda nations.

2004 - Jacqui Murray. Watung the sun rise Australia reported of Japanese 1931 to the fall of Singapore. Lantham and Lexnare.

2005 – Colin Smith. Singapore burning. Heroism and surrender in World war II. London Penguin books ltd.

18 April 2005 – Singapore plans to develop  two casinos. BBC UK.

28 April 2005 – Singapore ASEAN to act on child sex trafficking. Child sex slavery, paedophiles. BBC UK.

28 Oct 2005 – Feds, Singapore drugs, Drugs from Cambodia. Sydney Morning Herald.

11 Sept 2006 – Barricades on roads for IMF meeting in Singapore.

18 Sept 2006 – The day before a World Bank meeting in Singapore. (The secret history of the American empire. John Perkins. ©2007 US).

2009 – Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew was put on the board of Russian's Skolkovo and Medvedev. Medvedev went to Singapore in 2009. (The red web. Andrei Soldatov (c)2015).

2010-2011 - KNO oil pte ltd. A Singapore based company. US sanctions 2012 to Jan 2016. It delivered $25 million oil to Iran between 2010 and 2011. (The Panama papers. BF Obermaier 2016).

9 Aug 2010 – Singapore says golden triangle opium increased production. BBC UK.

26 Feb 2011 – Crown steps up push Singapore casinos lure high rollers. Damon Kitney. Two news casinos in Singapore Burswood casino in Penh. The Australian.

2 March 2011 – Casinos boom in strait laced Singapore. Auckland. Marina by Sands casino. NZ Herald.

2012 - Nick Leeson bankrupt Barings bank. Acredited in Singapore makes millions in losses, derivatives trading. Barings bank bad bookeeping. Cairman Peter Baring. (The Devils deal. Andreas Coizou. 2012).

2012 - Richard Rouse. Middle officer of APX in Singapore bank. Chris Baker in charge of back office. Fifion Wilcox part time at APX auditors. Isiah Bash Kina finance dept at APX bank. Caroune Levy offshore hedge. Winston Gadd. (The Devils deal. Andreas Coizou. 2012).

20 Oct 2014 – New Zealand’s Auckland Pakuranga plaza was sold to a Singapore business. One of the years biggest New Zealand business property sales. $96 million to Stanley Tan, chief executive of Global yellow pages and Pang Yoke Min of Gyp, a subsidiary of Global yellow pages, based in Singapore. ( Catherine Harris).

4 Nov 2014 – Singapore government to hold major share in Auckland New Zealand waterfront property. Multi million dollar deal. TVNZ.

6 Nov 2014 – Joint venture with GIC in five New Zealand shopping malls. Scentre group ASX SCG with GIC Singapore wealth fund, five shopping malls in New Zealand. $NZ 2.1 billion.

7 Nov 2014 – Singapore fund buys into New Zealand's Westfield shopping centre. $1 billion stake in some of New Zealand's top shopping malls. Herald Sun.

8 Nov 2014 – New Zealand sale of malls. Westfields, government investment group of Singapore $930 million deal. The Australian.

9 Feb 2015 – Singapore paedophiles ask other paedophiles about travel tips for sex with children. Elizabeth Law.

28 March 2015 – Singapore government property buying spree in New Zealand reaches $1.2 billion. NZ Herald. Anne Gibson.

29 July 2015 – Headless body, the murder of a 35 year old.  Organised crime. Coroner's. inquiry and report. The body was found in the Whampoa canal. Asia one.

21 Oct 2015 – The founder of a Singapore church has been found guilty of embezzling $35 million in donations. AP. Twitter.

2 Dec 2015 – Lockheed Martin gets a $1.28 billion upgrade to Singapore's F-16s. Channel news Asia.

8 Dec 2015 – US spy plane deployment in Singapore. US Singapore deployment of a US P8 Poseidon spy plane in December 2015. Jerusalem Post Israel news.

20 Jan 2016 – Singapore deports 26 workers from Bangladesh. Washington Post.

29 Jan 2016 – Singapore's Jurong island. Swiss company Bertschi dangerous chemicals.

14 April 2016 – Four citizens of Singapore were among 41 people arrested and charged in New Zealand drug raids, meth. The Straits Times.

3 June 2016 – Man from Singapore in fatal crash in New Zealand. Gets home detention, a fine and community work. The Straits Times. Hamish McNeilly.

4 June 2016 – Jakata Post. CIA in Indonesia. Helicopter crash, the passengers were shot. The helicopter diverted to Singapore with 300 kilos of gold, from a gold mine run by the Kazari mafia in Indonesia. Worth $100 million in 1000 Singapore dollars, which went missing. The gold was from a Khazari Mafia gold mine.

27 June 2016 – A Singapore airlines plane is in flames at Changi airport, from engine trouble, landing at Singapore airport.

21 July 2016 – Singapore seized $172 million as part of the Malaysia corruption probe. BBC UK. Four major banks. Malaysia scandal 1MDB.

28 July 2016 – Anti corruption digest. Money laundering case. Malaysian 1MDB. Banks in Singapore $3.5 billion. Second bank in Singapore $177 million. World finance.

31 Oct 2016 - Singapore airlines 30 years of flying to Christchurch New Zealand.

3 Nov 2016 - Lab monkeys to be killed in Singapore. petitions to let them live. Moshe Chityat. Twitter. Monkeys use for lab experiments in Singapore may die.

8 Nov 2016 - Distributor by Unilever Singapore Pte ltd. 20 pasir Panjang rd 6-2 Mapletree business city Singapore 117439 1800 661 989. Butolli olive oil Italy to Australia amd New Zealand.

12 Nov 2016 - AFP. Yahoo news. Singapore tests blockchain digital currency system for banks. New electronic payment system using blockchain.

9 Dec 2016 - Singapore and Taiwan military. Radio live NZ. Gary McAlpine in Singapore a British reporter. 99.3mhz. 11.46am. US anti missile services.

15 June 2017 - Police corruption. Channel news Asia. 5 charged Uanne Chia. Reuters. Bribery, official secrets act, wrongful arrest.

21 Aug 2017 - A US navy destroyer collides with a merchant ship near Singapore. Sputnik. The USS John McCain collided with a mechant ship in Strait of Malacca. Merchant vessel Alnic mc South China sea. Search and rescue, damage on port side. US Navy 7th fleet base port Yokosuka Japan.

15 Dec 2017 - A male Singapore tourist in New Zealand was the victim of a fatal crash in Hokatika West coast. Stuff. Voxy. Name released of deceased in fatal crash on West coast. A male tourist from Singapore.

20 July 2018 - Hackers steal 1.5 million Singapore health records from government database in record cyber attack. PM Lee Hsien Loong was targeted.

14 Nov 2018 - Sputnik. Watch ... learn CAT for ASEAN support in Singapore. 33rd ASEAN 11 Nov to 15 Nov 2018.

25 Feb 2019 - Christchurch Press. Singapore model. Ph 021 201 5905, in outcall.

8 March 2019 - Christchurch Press. Singapore model. Ph 021 201 5905. Riccarton in outcall.

26 March 2019 - Christchurch Press. Singapore model. Ph 021 201 5905. Riccarton in outcall.

26 March 2019 - Spunik. Bomb scare Singapore based fligh. Bomb alert Mumbai India to Singapore flight, a hoax.

April 2019 - ICS security conference. ICS cyber security. APAC security cyber.

2 April 2019 - Computer security. Blackhat Asia 2019, get ready for the cyber arms race. Ai Lei Tao. Cyber war.

9 April 2019 - Singapore model. Ph 021 201 5905. Riccarton in/outcall. Christchurch Press NZ.

1 May 2019 - Airport employees jailed for taking bribes over gold at Changi airport Singapore, South Asa. Stuff NZ.

2 May 2019 - Christchurch Press NZ. Singapore model. Ph 021 201 5905. Riccarton in/outcall.

7 May 2019 - Christchurch Press. Singapore model. Ph 021 201 5905. In outcall.

9 May 2019 - Christchurch Press. New Singapore film star. 021 171 4600 in out call.

13 June 2019 - Chrischurch Press. New Singaproe film star. 021 171 4600 in out call.

17 June 2019 - Chrischurch  Press. New Singapore star. 021 171 4600 in outcall.


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