Sudan 1816-18 - Cotton factories in the Khurunfish quarter of Cairo Egypt. 1,000 to 2,000 of the so called 'workers' were slaves from Sudan, run by the army. Exploited. Also orphans were found in factories. Cotton spinning and weaving in Egypt. (Empire of cotton Sven Bechard (c)2014 US). 1821-1834 – Khartoum Sudan was a military outpost in 1821. By 1834 it was the capital of Sudan. Ransacked by the Mahdi then by Lord Kitchner. (Eye spy. Justin Scroggie (c)2008 UK). 1880s – Auguste Mariette was an archeologist from France. He was in Egypt and Gebal Barkal in Sudan. (The story of archeology. Justin Pollard (c)2007 UK). 1882 - National archives kept records. Corporal Michael Martin Royal navy in Sudan at the battle of Suakin after 1882. (Family history monthly. March 2004). 19th century – Protective armour and bedding of quilted cotton was made in Sudan during the 19th century, Ceremonial uses. (Quilting patchwork applique. Caroline Crabtree (c)2007 UK). Late 19th c...
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