American Gestapo

Who set my smart device to Singapore? I dont know but its making my smart device nearly un usable. I have to change it back to secure connection Russia, the real setting, which works for a while. The devices should sync, they dont, the computer has no secure connection. My keyboard has been sabotaged, Im getting a new keyboard today.

The New Zealand police commissioner, Mike Bush, was the one who insists lies that the Christchurch shooter was a lone gunman. But, the live stream showed 9 gunmen ay Deans ave mosque, a witness reported 7 gunmen at Linwood mosque, local Christchurch radio said. Transcribe local Christchurch radio and get falsely accused of being crazy, hearing voices. Ive experienced ridiculous false accusations like this myself, jus coz I told the truth. Making too much noise, crazy, turn radio off. Mike Bush, NZ police commissioner lies about a lone gunman. Thats why he pleaded not guilty to killing 50 to 90 people. Coz he was not the only gunman. He did not kill them all.

Other clues, George Bush grandfather helping Hitler to power. George Bush also involved in 9/11. Steve Coll says about 9/11, in his book Directorate S. p40. Following a script that traced back to the secret ops of the OSS in WW2. Which laid the foundations of the CIA. Then look to Paul Simpsons book the Spy, p19. OSS not to continue post WW2, fearing that it would become an American Gestapo, the order to disband was given on 20 Sept 1945. The OSS ceased functioning ten days later. Transfer to the US war dept as SSU.


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